NO SUPER BOWL LOSER HAS RETURNED Year following since The Bills run of 4 str8 ended in 1992-- 22 years 100%
PF 606 PA 399 +12.94 PPG
Hello thats one hell of streak and now a system i looked back into 80's it was bad then too like 95% didn't return.
Here comes # 23 Reason is they get way tougher schedule than before always tougher i can see denver not making playoffs going 8-8
Fav. After any S/U Dog wins
5W--10 L 1-6 in div w/ 3 s/u L's FADE here only 85.7%
4-4 NON Div.
11W- 5 L 4-2 in div. w/2 s/u L's 7 -3 NON Div. w/2 s/u L's
BET ON 68.75%
POST 0-7 pt spread results
Wins 40W- 48 L 12--18 in div w/ 7 s/u L's 28 --30 non div.
w/8 s/u L's FADE 54.54%
Losses 38W-49 L 18--19 in div skip it! 20--30 Non Div. w/12 s/u L's FADE 60% 2013 went 2-0 1 div. 1 non div
Post 7 1/2 - 18 1/2 > spread results
WINS 8W-- 12L 4--2 in div. bet on 66.66% 4 --10 non div w/8 s/u L's FADE 71.4% Combo ehhhhh you figure it out for your self.
Actually the s/u Losses means little because it's always ATS BUT 8 times out of 10 is bad this means lost game and spread 8 times you could have won the money line betting doggie to win s/u all 10 n collected at a killing 80% win rate 8 wins s/u 2 losses
Losses 15W-21L 2-7-- in div w/4 s/u L's FADE here only 77.77% 13--14 Non Div. SKIPPY
POST 1-9 pt. S/U Margins
Off Wins 21W--28L 6 -16 in div. FADE 15 - 12 non div BET on
Combo 31-18 63.26%
Off Losses24W--26L 14-8 in div BET ON 10- 18Non Div. FADE
Combo 32--18 64%
POST 10-19 pt. S/U Margins
Off Wins 17W--25L 4-7 in div 13-18 Non div FADE 59.52%
Off Losses 12W--12 L 4-6 in div. FADE 8--6 Non div. Bet ON
Combo 14--10 58.33%
( you remember what i said earlier go for highest WIN % on each team spots theres many games per year in the high 60 %'s to 100% 's )
POST 20 pts > S/U Margins
Off Wins 15W --16L 8--5 in div. bet on 7-11 non div. Fade
Combo 19-12 61.29%
Off Losses 10W -- 11L 2-4 in Div FADE 66.66% 8--7 Non div SKIPPY and NOT the Peanut butter!!!
Go make a sandwhich now any way Take a break as I do because my eyes start hurting a lil bit going back n forth from written systems then posting up here. BE in quiet time when handicapping the card
write at top of each page FOCUS !!!
Every week make notes who did they beat is key as in say denver just waxed a putrid Raiders team that was 1 -9 22 - 3 but now face way better team thats a div foe thats 5-5 and just won 3rd str8 game scan down to DIV games section and we see Denver is 3-5 vs div after a raiders wins they are Playing Chargers who just won by 17 points and we see that they are 5-2 vs div. teams after a win by 10-19 pts margins. SEE how easy it is now. BUT fully handicap the tilt always use all tools I show in the video. FOCUS Grasshopper LOL
WINS 9W 7 L 3-1 In div BET ON 6-6Non Div Skippy
Losses 7W 4L 0-1 In div 7-3 Non Div BET ON here only 70%
WINS 6W 11L 0-2 In div 6-9 Non Div FADE 64.7%
Losses 5W 7L 1-0 In div 4- 7 Non Div FADE here 63.63%
WINS 9W 11 L 3- 5 In div Fade here 62.5% 6- 6 Non Div
Losses 7W 3L 2-1 In div 6-2 Non Div bet on 70%
FAV. After WIN Bets as a DOG
3W--4L 1--1 in div 2--3 non div you should know what to do here YEAH ZERO PLAYS NADA ZIP ZILCH from now on i will not type when no action is to be taken you can see by Wins and losses it's clear not enough edge either way too close to 50%
POST a B. B. S/U Win off a 10 pt > Loss
9W-17L 3 -6 in div. 6-11 Non div FADE 65.38%
After 2 str8 ATS Covers
20W--19L 8-8 in div. 12-11 NON div.
AFTER 3 str8 ATS Covers
12W-8L 4-2 in div 8-6 non div bet on 60%
5W-6L 2-2 in div 3 -4 Non div
AFTER scoring 100 PTS > 5 games Cap 23W -- 47L
w/ 20 s/u L's FADE 67.14%
Worst Game of YEAR is # 11 4W 11L 2 -4 in div 2- 7Non div FADE 73.33%
like it couldnt get any easier than last year @ Patriots Favored by 3 - 2 1/2 sandwhiched off 2 div wins are YOU joking Vegas Peyton manning @ Tommy boy's house his biggest Rival in all of Football Favored ??? I kept asking wait a min on the pools already and they Pats played MNF ???
I asked my buddy JOE is this game a typo?? Because when either team Played on MNF week before they are not up on next weeks pools which are printed up on monday and handed out tues or wed.
No he said it's good.
NOW another system comes into play when you have a game like this when one team runs over another after losing by 17 points or more 1 or both teams will fail vs the number NEXT week 100% of the time it's becoming a super system now .
Denver rebounded at home vs Chiefs even tho it was an OT loss i think BUT Denver was favored @ Patriots dosent work with favs. ONLY DOG losers in OT games!
any way Patriots for sure were in bad spot on Road - 8 then
-9 1/2 game day at Texans who were in playoff revenge mode PATS almost lost the game with a 34-31 win Like it was bad enough at -8 points joe square gives me another point plus the hook LOL keep it up squares your making me rich! shhhh dont tell em they are giving you that edge never wake up losers i'll make a video for you about these systems showing past years when they occured
Off top of head Texans at redskins! Washington was way ahead at half n 3rd qtr winds up losing by 3 BOTH teams put on Road chalked KABLEWIUEEEEEEE
Eagles huge comeback vs Rival Giants 21 points in 4th qtr BOTH teams next games LOST s/u and ATS
It's like playing two games in 1 week winning and losing also the back n forth games high scoring games exhaust teams next week high % of failures s/u and ATS
PLAY OFF REVENGE within 3 years must occur 99-2013
3 W 3 L all non div
POST SCORING 40 pts > in wins 2003 -13--- 1W--10 L 0-3 in div w/ 1 s/u L 1--7 non div w/1 s/u L NO BYE WEEKS they are able to win and cover with rest twice happend 100% winners both games with rest ---
FADE AWAY with confidence 90.9%
Wins 8W 9 L 3--5 in div 5--4 Non Div
Losses 11W 8L 6-1 in div bet on 5--7 non div. Combo 13W6 L 68.4%
OK Peyton may be a HOF QB but in my eyes he pales to Brady in championship games. Peyton Got lucky to face theeeeee worst Superbowl QB ever Rex Grossman i had doubts of the spread with rain forecast on super sunday in Miami BUT dropped a shmickle on Colts because they had the formula of players from two different schools Mich U and USC
Defense rating for season was low but due to key starter being out until final two weeks.
OK Tommy Boy lost two superbowls but by a combined total of 7 points
HE wears 3 rings
Peyton lost 2 by a combined total of 17 vs the saints and walloping shellacking by Seahawks 35 points thats like absurd 52 points losses ...
O BTW rerun again from Last year Peyton goes to Patriots again on 11/2 and tough stretch of Road games starts two more @ Raiders then at Rams
Then thier arch nemesis ATS when they come home the Dolphins get ready to hammer Miami as a DOG of any 6-1 ATS vs denver ......
AH all is well with NFL super bowl loser has torched the publics wallet a pathetic 1 and 3 ATS
Also note no team ever saw the superbowl when hosting it This years unlucky recipient is YOUr Arizona Cardinals and now with the injuries to the 1st n 2nd string QB the wheels start falling off
Why do you think NYG started out 0-6 last year Cowboys started out 1-6
Colts of course without peyton at controls due to surgery couldn't beat them selves.
This is why denver is in serious trouble if Old boy peyton goes down aint no pro bowl caliber back up under him .... This is why Packers keep succeding in thier div. the others have switched qb's HC's and others mutiple times through Farves long tenure and now Rodgers
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