Monday, October 6, 2014


PF 417 PA 428   - 0.69  PPG

                               Fav. After any S/U Dog wins 

9W-10L  3-4 in div 6-6 Non Div.

                                POST BYE WK'S

12W-5L 6-2 in div. 6-3 NON Div. Bet on 70.58%  8-0 streak last 8 yrs 100% Winners ATS

                              POST 0-7 pt spread results

Wins 53W-46 L 17-- 12 in div     36--34 non div. BET ON 53.53%

Losses 48W-40L  21--9 in div bet on 27--31 Non Div. fade

Combo 52W--36L  59%

                           Post 7 1/2 - 18 1/2 > spread results

WINS 11W-- 17L  4--10 in div. fade 71.42% 7--7 non div

Losses 9W-10L  4--2 in div bet on 5--8 Non Div. fade

Combo 12-7  63.15%

                              POST 1-9 pt. S/U Margins

Off Wins  40W--24L  12-4 in div.  28-20 non div bet on 62.5%

Off Losses 33W--24L 16-6in div bet on 72.72% 17-18 Non Div.

  POST 10-19 pt. S/U Margins

Off Wins 20W --22L  10--9 in div.  10-13 non div.

Off Losses 9W -- 11L  5-3 in Div bet on  4--8 Non div fade Combo 13-7  65%
                            POST 20 pts > S/U Margins

 Off Wins 17W --21L  3--10 in div. fade  14-11 non div. bet on

Combo 24-14 63.15%

Off Losses 9W -- 11L  5-3 in Div bet on  4--8 Non div fade Combo 13-7  65%

                                POST  BEARS

WINS  10W-8L  2-2 In div  8-6 Non Div

Losses  1W 10L 1 -4 In div  0 - 6 Non Div Fade 90.9%

                            POST  VIKINGS

WINS  10W 8L  4-2 In div   6-6 Non Div

Losses  4W 5L  3-1 In div bet on   1-4 Non Div Fade Combo 7-2 77.77%

                                 POST  LIONS

WINS  9W 14L  2-2 In div   7-12 Non Div fade here 63.15%

(NOTE: Both Bears and Packers after lions wins both are horrible this is weird that two teams in same div. fail ATS after beating same rival year after year) Combined both teams you are 13W 25 L 65.78% Winners  fading!

Losses  3W 3L  2-0 In div bet on  1-3 Non Div fade

Combo 5-1  83.33 %

                       FAV. After WIN Bets as a DOG

3W--1 L  1--1 in div  2--1 non div



     POST a B. B. S/U Win  off a 10 pt > Loss

   10W-13L  3-5 in div. 7-8 Non div fading 56.52% OK NON div isnt recomended

BUT in div Games is :

62.5% fading in div games YES!

                                   After 2 str8 ATS Covers

24W--26L  9 -13 in div. 15 -13 NON div. Combo 28-22 56%

                               AFTER 3 str8 ATS Covers
 11W-10 L  5-5 in div   6-5 non div

                               AFTER 4 str8 ATS COVERS

4W-8L  2-3 in div  2-6 Non div fading 66.66%

                   AFTER scoring 100 PTS > 5 games Cap  60W -- 51L
BET ON 54%  only team in NFL to be in plus $$ so far.

Worst Games of YEAR are #2 99-2013 6W 8L   2-2 in div 4-6Non div
and #12  3W--9L  2002 -2013  1-4 in div.  2-5 non div. fading 75%


PLAY OFF REVENGE within 3 years must occur 1W-5 L

last was @ 49ers (the super bowl losers) Packers lost by 6 as a 5 pt dog FADE 83.33%

POST M N F Wins 11W-3  L  5-1 in div 6-2 Non Div bet on 78.57%

Losses 3W-11 L Wow exact mirror of above! 2-4 in div. 1-7 non div. fading 78.57% 

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