Sunday, October 5, 2014



 PF  391 PA 480 = - 5.56 PPG

         Fav. After any S/U Dog wins 
5W--10L 3-5 in div   2-5 NON Div. W/5 S/U L'S fade 66.66%

      POST BYE WK'S 7W-9L 3- 5in div. 4-4 NON Div.

                              POST 0-7 pt spread results

Wins 34W-52L 9--16 in div    25--36 non div. fade 60.46%

Losses 51W-52L  20--18 in div   31--34 Non Div. skip

                           Post 7 1/2 - 18 1/2 > spread results

WINS 12W-- 15L  5--3 in div. 7--12 non div Combo 17-10 62.96%

Losses 10W-16L  4--4 in div   6--12 Non Div. Fade non div. 66.66% theres that percentage again LOL wow it's amazing that we have that huge edge of 66.66% in so many catergories.

 POST 1-9 pt. S/U Margins

Off Wins  31W--27L  8-10 in div.  23-17 non div combo 33-25 56.89%

Off Losses 27W--34L 9-8 in div  18-26 Non Div. fade non div. 59%
                                           POST 10-19 pt. S/U Margins

Off Wins W12--28L 4- 11 in div 8-17 Non div fade 70 freaking %

Off Losses 10W--23L 6- 11 in div.  4--12 Non div. fade 69.69%

pause here grab your calculator just this section 10-19 pt s/u margins of wins and losses lets add up the $$ YOU Made over past 11 years and most likely will continue on this year.

ok add up the larger numbers 28 + 17 + 23 +12 = 80 WINS For YOU 4 + 8 + 6 +4  = 22 LOSSES  you won 80 bets lost 22  78.43 % WINNERS so 22 X $110= - $2420  YOU won $8000 - $2420 = $5580 net profit divide by past 11 years 2002 - 2013 $507.27 per year Made.

 Now lets figure you have all 32 teams in certain spots like this thier weakest ones where you fade and their strongest ones when you bet on. 32 times 507.27 per year =$16,232.64 per year at $100 per game at $50 per game = $8116.32 at $25 per game $4058.16 at smallest wagered allowed by Vegas $5 $1014.54

Now imagine if i had say 1000 people in Vegas using these systems every year ......... You better believe vegas will be adjusting spreads faster than a runaway train going downhill.

1000 people times $16,232.64 ok round off to $16,233= $16,233,000 per year that all vegas sports books LOST to those 1000 people.  But any way i have had about 200 people buy these systems and they came from all over USA few came from other countries so ain't going to happen that i get 1000 people who live near or in Vegas using these systems 200 people bought since 1997

and i started out with only $25 all printed up and shipped to each customer like yeah i didnt make much back then.

Of Course this means we would have to bet the whole card every week and we do not have $1600 to lay out each week.

WE are restricted to max 6 games per week and it aint $100 each game most likely $25 or less so we aint really busting any local bookies $150 total wagered figure win 4 lose 2 on average.

= $45 net X 17 weeks $765 for the year BUT as your bank roll grows so will your wagers staying at 5% max i mean WTF even if you really blow it one or two weeks go 0 for 6 or 0 for 4 after week 10 your betting $100 per game or more IF you do not touch that betting bank roll for anything but betting NFL.

                            POST 20 pts > S/U Margins

 Off Wins 6W --13L  3-4 in div.  3- 9 non div. fade 75%

Off Losses 16W -- 5L  7-1 in Div   9--4 Non div  bet on 76.19%

WOW BOOKIE you truly will not want my action this year.

Who's the bitch now ?

                                      POST  PACKERS

WINS  4W 5L  1- 2 In div   3- 3Non Div

Losses  10W 11L  3-1 In div   7- 10Non Div combo 13-8 61.9%

                                      POST  BEARS

WINS  5W 7L  1--1 In div 4- 6 Non Div fade non div. 60%

Losses  9W 7L  3-3 In div   6- 4 Non Div bet on non div 60%

                                       POST  LIONS

WINS  11W 7L  1-2 In div  10-5 Non Div bet on non div. 66.66%

Losses  2W 2L  1-0 In div   1-2 Non Div

                       FAV. After WIN Bets as a DOG

22W--36L 9 --11 in div 13--25 non div fade 62%


     POST a B. B. S/U Win  off a 10 pt > Loss (worst in NFL)

   10W-25L  1-11 in div.  9-14 Non div   fade 71.42%

 up date 10W 26 Losses 1-12 in div 9-14 non div fade you win 72.22%


                                  After 2 str8 ATS Covers
17W--16L   6-4 in div.  bet on div. 60% 11-12 NON div.


                              AFTER 3 str8 ATS Covers

 6W-8L  2-1 in div  4 -7 non div combo 9-5 64.28%

                               AFTER 4 str8 ATS COVERS

4W-5L  1- 2  in div 3 -3 Non div

                   AFTER scoring 100 PTS > 5 games Cap  36W --52 L w/ 24 S/U Losses FADE BABY 59% Wins for YOU

Worst Games of YEAR is home openers  5W 10L   1- 0 in div

4- 10 Non div. on an 0 -4 streak past 4 years fade non div. 71.42%

and game # 7 --4W --11L  2-2 in div 2-9 non div fade non div. 81.81%

POST M N F Wins 5W 4L in div 1W 3L Non Div 4W 1L combo 7-2 77.77% Wins for you

Losses 5W 5L in div 1W 1L non div. 4W 4L

THier NFC Bitch when a DOG is THE GIANTS 5W -2L  4 times WON the game S/U 71.42% Winners NYG also as a DOG vs Vikings you will see at teams section.



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